
October 21, 2012


Filed under: Uncategorized — by kschreckengost @ 1:17 am

What is Connectivism? George Siemens states that “Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos, network, and complexity and self-organization theories” (Siemans, 2004). It is based on the idea that learning does not rest in the head of the individual, but instead in the world around us (Wikipedia, 2012). It is controversial whether Connectivism is a new learning theory or a rehash of previously published theories. This week, my classmates and I posted arguments that were either for or against Connectivism. The viewpoint given to my opposing group was that Connectivism is supported as a new learning theory. My group was assigned to the position against Connectivism as a new learning theory. After reading both sides of the argument, I still feel that Connectivism is not a new learning theory. However, I do want to point out that whether it is a modern day rehash of older theories or not, valid points do exist. The modern day student is making several new connections on a regular basis using web technologies. One issue that I have against Connectivism is that even though our storage methods for information have changed over the years, the fact that we still learn through our given resources and experiences remains the same–whether it’s in written form or an electronic medium. I don’t agree with the Connectivist view that the way our mind processes information has changed. Yes, the modern world is connected at a more rapid pace because of the internet, but I believe how that effects the mind and learning is up to the individual. I believe that most people don’t absorb information fully because they are not taking the time to absorb it. I don’t believe that it has anything to do with the Connectivst view that information is not fully processed by the individual because it is so vast and because it is constantly changing.

1 Comment »

  1. I agree Kelly that learning has not changed, but just the process students are using. Students still have to interact with material to get meaning whether it is through the written word or a podcast. Modern technology can help students make connections, but it will not help them learn if they don’t make the effort!

    Comment by dawnlfrye — October 22, 2012 @ 4:26 pm |Reply

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